Paschim Namaskarasana - Reverse Prayer Pose

Paschim Namaskarasana

Reverse Prayer Pose

Yoga reverse prayer hands meaning and feeling….
Prayer behind the heart, I have got this, I have got my own back.
I don’t see but I feel, I hold, I am still, poised heart, warrior heart.

Strength integrity.

Reveals the heart, expands the energetic and physical space through the heart. It opens the shoulder girdle and meridians through into the arms and fingers, to join both side of the body.
Out of sight but in feeling, not all the heart draws you to the eye can see.
I am whole, I reside in the space behind me, within me; three dimensional experience of movement is me.

For me a strong sensation in the hands the little finger line of outter hand arm into the body. Alive.
A circle of energy and immersive lines of flowing sensation from front heart to back heart.
Shift of awareness into space behind you, carry this extension expansion.

Upper back alignment, requires you lengthen whole spine to move into the posture, once arrived stretches into and opens thoracic spine, rib cage, chest, wrists, fingers, mobilises the back of the rib cage and ribs spinal attachment, works into the column of the spine and nervous system that travels messages into the brain, organs ect.

It’s not easy, life is life, it gets easier when present with what is, than push back and move away to an idea of something more comfortable. What if being uncomfortable is completely utterly comfortable? To root into attitude, action and asana… a change of perspective, momentum to stay and unravel into the surrender, then levels of change emerge, the mind, body, heart, breath, space…… .


Heart Meditation

